Brown Church

Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity
by Robert Chao Romero

This book, THIS BOOK. This book, Brown Church by Robert Chao Romero is a must read. With tears in my eyes, I read through the chapters, each word a witness about the beautiful latino community. What stood out to me over and over is how strength and courage are not minimized by empathy and compassion but only made more whole, and more holy. I applaud the author Dr. Robert Chao Romero, for his writing of Brown Church, it is a place to come home to for so many who have often not been made welcome. The affirmation of the wisdom, perseverance and depth of faith of the Brown church is honored in this book. I wanted to clap and shout with every point Romero made as I read this, this book is a reason to celebrate.

Interest in and awareness of the demand for social justice as an outworking of the Christian faith is growing. But it is not new.

Dr. Robert Chao Romero

White church, this book is an excellent resource for you to learn from, and learn we must. While also unlearning cultural preferences that have made us to make a christianity in our own image. This will not do. We are too easily unaware. In my own life relationships with the latino community has been one of the sweetest blessings I have been granted. The beauty of the latino welcome, compassion, passion and embrace has also welcomed me into the the pain, mistreatment and devaluing of those from the Brown Church. Being in community I have heard so many disparaging remarks of my latino brothers and sisters, and yes even in the church. If there is a desire to speak out about injustice their theology is considered errant, dangerous and weak. I have actually witnessed a brown brother being called a heretic for speaking out against immigration injustice that he and his family were experiencing. Over and over I have grieved as our heartless whitewashed gospel has been placed over latino hearts and deemed them unworthy, never questioning if maybe our American nationalist theology had been what missed the mark all along. For this reason, Brown Church is life-breathing, truth-telling, and worth-giving. I recommend it hands down to every reader.

Brown church, this book is written for you. Robert Chao Romero has written a work that honors the Brown Church and the people who have and continue to lead the work though all of its ups and downs, you have been so faithful. This book is a gift to all the rest of us, but Brown Church is a celebration of you, of your heart, of your courage, your resilience, of how you have overcome, and of how you thrive. Roberto Chao Romero has written this book to be a place of welcome for so many who are made unwelcome. Immigrants, are welcome. Latinos are welcome. The Brown Church is a place of full healing. Romero’s work is described most wonderfully on the back of the book, so I will share that with you now.

For five hundred years, Latina/o culture and identity have been shaped by their challenges to the religious, socio-economic, and political status quo, whether in opposition to Spanish colonialism, Latin American dictatorships, US imperialism in Central America, the oppression of farmworkers, or the current exploitation of undocumented immigrants. Christianity has played a significant role in that movement at every stage.

Robert Chao Romero, the son of a Mexican father and a Chinese immigrant mother, explores the history and theology of what he terms the “Brown Church.” Romero considers how this movement has responded to these and other injustices throughout its history by appealing to the belief that God’s vision for redemption includes not only heavenly promises but also the transformation of every aspect of our lives and the world. Walking through this history of activism and faith, readers will discover that Latina/o Christians have a heart after God’s own.

Dr. Roberto Chao Romero

Buy this book, read it, share it with friends, let the truth sink in deep. Brown church, while being written about the Brown church, and to acknowledge the worth and work of the Brown church, is a must read for everyone. Everyone. I can’t recommend this book enough, and when you read it, you too will know why. I’ll leave you with a little clip from Dr. Robert Chao Romero himself from Inter Varsity Press about the Brown Church.

ISBN:9 780830852857
Binding: Trade Paperback
Publication date: 05/26/2020
Publisher: IVP Academic
Language: English
Author: Robert Chao Romero